Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Obama nukes Israel

Obama's new nuclear strategy really has the Freepers up in arms cause it doesn't say we'll nuke everyone as a first response. This means the end of America:

ConservaTexan makes connections:

Now, when the attacks that 0bama is inviting occur, the US will have a crippled healthcare system to deal with the aftermath. It becomes clearer evey day...

TJC has lost faith in Democracy thanks to Obama:

Some thing needs to happen.

For the life of me I can not understand how these rats get elected time and time again.

Our founders only let certain people vote and I can see why.

Frantzie blames TV:

Idiots in this country are controlled by TV. Until they cancel service they are serfs. They care more about college ball games. They give the left the power through the left’s control of TV. This includes Fox/Saudia. If they have a choice between serfdom and losing cable/sat TV? They will choose to be serfs.

riri is sure this is a roundabout signal about to Iran about Israel:
In my opinion, Obama just openly declared that Israel is a sitting duck.

Good point. I hadn't made that connection yet.

Welllllp, Mossad, ball is in your court.
Assassination or birtherism? Probably both.

1 comment:

  1. finally a freeper (conservatexan) comes to realize what obama real plan is
