Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama's Reelection Meltdown Part III: Paranoid speculation

Letting a paranoid, despairing imagination go wild makes for some pretty strong stuff:

Marathoner's mind's eye sees only rage:
I really don’t give a shit anymore. This country is dead to me.
DuncanWaring sees only darkness:
The lights have gone out.

We shall not see them lit again in our lifetimes.
fwdude is Serious!
Hopefully, secession proceedings will have started by then, anchored in Texas and dragging the entire South and Plain States along.

I'm stone cold serious.
Then there are the comparisons to third world countries. peyton randolph:
Between socialists (Democrats) and socialists-lite (GOPe), the former wins again.

Kind of irrelevant because the USSA will be an economic Argentina by that point.
Yeah, in 2016 we are all living like the USA is Kenya..
If there are elections in 2016 (and there probably will be), they will be a sham. Think Venezuela.
America is the next Brazil.
Arlis is thinking dictatorship:
I will add that O will find a way to pull an FDR and keep himself as Dictator-in-Chief for 12 more years. The law means nothing to him, nor does the Constitution. I am not a prophet, but I am predicting this. Remember it.

Our country has been dying spiritually and morally ever since Reagan - really since the ‘60’s- and yesterday was the point of no return.
SquarePants goes back to hating the impure GOP again:
We need a new, Consevative with a capital c party. Period.
HangnJudge does some kinda apocalyptic haiku:
Economic catastrophe starting about 2015
We have only seen a whisper of this

Entrepreneurs cease to Build Businesses, Jobs disappear
Distribution Channels Collapse
Health Care drops to level of Frontier Medicine

Government responds by Killing Self Love
and replacing it with Fear

About 20,000,000,000 deaths in US alone
possible as much as 1/3 population
Widespread suffering, starvation, pestilence
Cities will be death traps

The only thing to prevent it was to
permit a lesser catastrophe
But the cards are dealt now

100 years from now,
the last Counties Standing are ChiComs and India

Be Kind One to Another
Tenderhearted, Forgiving One Another

Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly

Live in Christ
mdmathis6 coulda been a post himself:

  • A few possible predictions:
  • A rising secessionist movement...increased movements of conservatives out of California,NY, Illinois, and Florida moral hell holes into friendly red states there by increasing their populations and electoral power.....a secesionist movement by Azlanders to split California from the Union....
  • Mass state and local bankruptsies....
  • unemployment(u6) of 60 per cent though reported as a modest 25 per cent which will be trumpeted as a “sure sign” of prices very high with some high quality proteins being prices high, very little travel going on and vacation destinations are overun by unemployed drunks, meth heads, and starving unwed mothers and children; the aforementioned mothers may be turning tricks just to get 1 days’ food; welfare systems may have broken down or have benefits severely limited due to overwhelming strain on the systems with little tax wealth coming in as no one is working and everyone cheats on their taxes if they have any income at all ....
  • we take a shellacking in the Pacific with an act of war committed by unnamed as of now nations but Barry stand’s down as the military has been effectively dismantled anyway....
  • Hawaii discovers the price of its folly in voting for Obama when as a peace gesture as well as a payment for national debts, they are unilaterally ceded by Obama(congress hamstrung by our debts will mutely go along with it) to the Chinese who are delighted to have such a prized deep blue water port with an intact naval and sub base(perhaps with a few ships and technology left in place as we hurriedly abandon Hawaii to their new friends)........
  • Alaska decides to take its chances with Putin of Russia and she simply becomes part of the Russian federation; Putin is not stupid and allows the locals to keep their own local and state government and keep some residuals in the locally produced oil wealth, now all of it to be controlled by Gasprom. Alaskan’s in turn discover the joys of a Russian Ruble, a simplified flat tax of 13 per cent, and suddenly a booming economy. Sarah Palin will be able now to see Russia everywhere from around her house;she might even catch Putin’s eye, much to the chagrin of husband Todd.....
  • drug use and immorality in many regions occur at unbelieavble rates. Many deaths from overdoses occur as there is no more money for treatment programs and what hospitals that might still be running start to adopt a “let them sweat it out on the street or die attitude” since “they did this to themselves anyway”, thus making them useless eaters and drains upon the glorious People’s Obamacare Health and Utopian society; stepping around dead bodies in many cities will become a daily occurance to a populace becoming increasingly numbed and estranged to human compassion and simple decency; cities will discover the fiscal efficiency of mass graves or mass cremations for bodies that no family will claim or will there be many who could afford the funeral costs anyway....
  • Bacterial and viral diseases with no cures will become rampant...
  • Unbelievable amounts of Crime due to the economic destruction wrought by Obama...the Government will attempt to halt crime by disarming the populace but that just increases the rates as there will be no protection against those miscreants who will seek to take advantage of such unarmed folks. In other areas, Tea Party types refuse to give up their weapons and civil war may just break out. In some areas, the rise of Islamist groups will attempt to bring some measure of control but they do so by channeling the newly “Converted” criminals’ base desires in ways that facilitate the growth of Islam(rape the infidel women, kill the infidel men and steal their belongings); crime in the Islamist regions will have gained a moral covering under the guise of spreading Islam via Jihad......
  • Speaking of Civil war, as was mentioned before, a seccesionist movement may well be underway involving the most economically productive and energy resource rich areas of the Nation...the southeast and south central regions of the US as well as the Dakotas, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming...ect. They will be most vigourous in defending themselves and their new nation based on the original Constitution. The Progressive Stalinists have little military might to control such a secesion since all their resources are going into propping up a failing welfare state and governmental bureaucracy, and the UN dithers. The rest of the world is having problems too and nobody wants to deal with America’s internal issues and no one sees any profit in even trying to invade our nation to prop up the Progressives. In desperation, the prog’s threaten to use Nukes on the newly revitalized “US mark 2” and perhaps will take out some troublesome region to force the secessionists to come to heel....

My favorite is the Hawaii sold to China, personally, though Alaska to Russia is also strong.



  2. HangnJudge's 20 billion deaths in the USA might be a bit overestimated...

    1. Well, to be fair he's using all the unborn rape babies' deaths by abortion to pad the numbers. Not to mention the future crop of kids who will be raised on farms not unlike puppy mills and then killed for their succulent meat after.

  3. I love how mdmathis6 manages to slip his little fantasy about a Sarah Palin three-way....

  4. Man o man, somebody has been cranked up...whoo-eee
    Must be good meth to get that all down.
    What a loon.
