Tuesday, November 13, 2012

There is no Tea Party Rage, Bitch!

Peggy Noonan writes a post saying that Tea Party rage isn't the way to win over converts.

Freepers hilariously rage that there is no rage in the Tea Party.

dforest knows people love liberals cause of their rage:
I don’t get where rage comes in. Rage is what you see on the left. They get lots of converts with rage.

Shaddup Peggy, you are the problem because you are stupid.
txrefugee confuses 'rage' with 'political power.'
If TEA Party members really had this “rage,” they would have kicked Boehner’s butt out of the Speaker’s chair by now.
MayflowerMadam's version of reality:
If Prissy Peggy equates rage with the Tea Party, she’s clueless about the Tea Party movement. I’ve never seen rage; only intelligent discussions and speakers, and well-thought-out rational decisions. It’s really the opposide of “rage”.
Thorliveshere counters accusations of raging by raging that liberals rage too well:
Oh, but Demorat “rage” works sooo much better...

In this new era of entitlements...

We’re entitled to our rage!
I have no idea what chris37's point is, but I love his sign-off:
You know, when I looked at Mitt Romney, all I saw was rage. Seething, dripping rage. Even when Mitt was being such a nice guy in the debates, so nice a guy in fact that he did finish last, and Obama was being a petualnt little bitch of a child, all I saw was our rage.

Peggy, STFU, see you at the Apocalypse.
Manic_Episode knows it's passion, not rage. Also, Satan:
Enthusiasm and passion is not rage.

Noonan is doing the devils work here.
Chuzzlewit explains that it's righteous anger, not rage!
what I see our side is righteous anger which is necessary when you are losing or have already lost, your country to a bunch of communists and freeloaders.
House Atreides folds in protestations of innocence with name-calling:
I think that senility is completing it gradual takeover of Noonan’s brain. The only political rage that I’ve seen are the various Days of Rage that the left has engaged in. Miss Noonan, the poor dear, is very confused. She needs to get out in the real world among real people more. But, unfortunately, Ms Noonan may be too far gone to have any hope of recovery—she’s spent entirely too much time among the pompous set (of which she has clearly become a card carrying member).
E. Pluribus Unum knows any rage incidents are sekret liberals making the Tea Party look bad:
I notice she didn't point out any examples of "Tea Party rage."

Probably because the only "examples" she could come up with are such obvious false-flag operations that she knows she won't get away with using them, so she simply smears the Tea Party and moves on.
So Peggy “Fig” Noonan thinks the “rage” of the TEA ( it's all caps,you stupid cow) party is the problem. Spoken like the elitist Establishment Republican she is. She needs to take her Progressivism to where it can be appreciated: the DNC. Easy for an old, I mean really, really old white woman who writes for a living and is overpaid for her insight, to say. If she wants rage, she should try to stand between an Obama lover and their Obamaphone.

Psycho_Bunnykeeps it pithy:
“But the tea party style of rage”

What rage? I’ve never seen it. You’re a lying bitch.
wardaddy seems serene:
Bitch shut up


  1. This thread is short on replies, but the racism is delicious..


    Dear Freepers,

    You know why black people stick with each other? Because white people were assholes to them for a long time. End of story.

    Saying that they want handouts or whatever bullcrap you are peddling right now is still race baiting and you guys are still being assholes. Hence, they are still going to stick together.

  2. The "fig" Noonan comment must be referring to Fig Newtons. More freeper weak sauce of labeling every uppity woman as fat.

    I think the Republican party loses women and minority voters because they absolutely refuse to address the issues that affect women and minorities. The GOP policy of kicking the can down the road and hoping they shut up it's going to work.

    The blatant sexism and racism of the GOP base doesn't help much either.
