Thursday, October 24, 2013

Freepers Wage Class War on the Producers

Freepers respond to a poll that rich people like Obama by throwing out all their Randian principles about job creators, and championing the noble working class:

Attention Surplus Disorder explains exactly who Obama is hurting:
If we were to divide the population into quintiles in terms in incomes, the lowest level is on welfare and already living as if expecting a gov handout to supplement those they already get. The fifth above them and the fifth above them are barely, barely making it. And they are being skinned.
MrB explains that the rich get bored and support Communism to screw with the little people
The uber wealthy have a desire to control others, since their lives aren’t much of a struggle, they have to have something to do...

And the poor, in general, love socialism because it gives them more than they’d have on the effort they’re willing to put forth.
FlingWingFlyer knows all rich people now have been enriched by Obama bribes.
Um. This is the new commie lib “wealthy”. The money was stolen by Barry from people who earned it and given to his commie pals who are now the new “wealthy”.
skeeter knows commies don't hate the rich:
Its the wealthy & poor against the middle class.

Commies hate the middle class - too stable.
skeeter follows up with a made-up fact:
There has never been a revolution in any country where there has been a strong middle class.

Obama is trying to destabilize the middle class.
rdcbn explains how rich people are all Bolshevist:
It's been a while since the days of the Soviet Union so people here oblivious to the formation of an American version of the old Soviet Nomenklatura class that perpetuated and enforced the system and enjoyed the perks of inhabiting the top of the s**t pile at the expense of the rest of the people


  1. The class war hypocrisy makes my sides ache.

  2. Who the hell do they think they're fooling?

  3. Yet we know if Obama were to do something crazy and ask Congress to raise tax rates on the wealthy, they'd start screaming how it would cripple the job creators from creating jobs.

    I suppose if Obama were actually evil, he'd put out a public service announcement urging people not to go to sleep at night with plastic bags over their heads. How many Freepers would die by doing so as a way to show Obama how wrong he is about everything?
