Friday, September 5, 2014

Spotlight Friday: Netz

Which came first, this Freepers' desire for Israel to kill all who oppose it, or his hatred of Obama? At this point, each is hard to distinguish from the other.

And his hatred of Obama is the really ill-considered one, vaccilating from accusations of incompetance to being a Manchurian Candidate. He also seems to think Obama's policies are really anti-Israel, when there is not a material difference from the Bush Administration.

Finally, he also thinks Russia is going to start World War 3 (indeed, a foreign invasion/apocalypse features strongly in his posts), though he also has a bit of a Putin boner.

Obama will kill us all with his lameness
We KNEW Obama was NOT fit for the job throughout the entire 2008 campaign.

Any normally functioning human being could see that the candidate Obama while being a good orator (Sophist) had no substance to his character whatsoever.

When he won, he was in shock for about 2 years just trying to figure out, how the American electorate put him in power so he felt cool and a great winner which only pumped up his ego and hubris.

Then, came the Nobel Peace Prize for...uh, hmmm, nothing and he was King of the World!

It was a sham from the beginning and now we are all in VERY serious trouble.

This is a President elected at one of history's critical junctures and times of crisis mostly brought about by his policies or lack thereof.

All those preppers were right, the Doomsday scenario is closer now than at any point since October 1962.
Obama is going to get us all killed.
Going by the book, it seems prety clear.
Obama should be removed for literally endangering the US.

The question is, how seriously would the world take Biden? Even though I detest Biden he HAS to be better than his boss, no?
Never trust a Muslim, they all worship Allah
Interviewed on British TV they are SUCH tolerant and well-balanced bastards aren't they? Then, back into the mosques...Allah HuAkbar!!!
Obama was never a President.
How many folks are now scratching their heads, trying to figure out why the President bottomed out.

Answer: there never was a President.

Explanation: America elected a man child, metro-sexual charlatan.

Damage done: Massive and still expanding.

Solution: Impeachment on the grounds that he is no longer capable of exercising his duties.
Nary a mention of how viable impeachment is, nach.

Obama is such a pacifist
1917: Lusitania sunk. All on board presumed dead!
Pres. Wilson states, “We should not have been in those shipping lanes”.

1941: Pearl Harbor bombed by Japanese!
Pres. Roosevelt states, “Nothing is ever accomplished by violence”. We probably deserved a sneak attack”!

1950: Communists invade Korea! Chinese/Koreans take Inchon!
Pres. Eisenhower, “What can we do? The use of force is futile”.

1962: Russian missiles spotted in Cuba!
President Kennedy states, “We have no problem with Soviet, offensive missiles 90 miles from out mainland”.

1968: Tet Offensive.
President Johnson states, “Let the NVA comes down and conquer the south, they're not reliable anyways”.

1979: Iranian rioters take 56 Americans Hostage!
President Carter states, “Please give back on diplomatic personnel, please”?

1986: President Reagen declares to Gorbi, “Take down that wall”!

1991: George Bush Sr. Saddam's got to understand, you can't just invade Kuwait!

2001: President Bush states, “We're going to smoke ‘em out”.

2008-2014; President Obama states “The various Muslim nice guys are on the run>

2015: President Obama states, “Just because the Iranian Navy and ISIS forces on on the Jersey shore does not mean they hold ill intent” no idea.
Today President Obama called for a “Islamic Vaginal Task Force” (IVTF) to look into Islam's great contributions to our (Western) understanding of the crotch area.

Obama further stated that without Islam's great wisdom and tolerance for various belief systems most of us would not even know what the damn thing is for to begin with!
Obama is the worst, except Hillary.
Krauthammer for President.

In 2008, I said “AnybodybutObama”...
In 2012, I said, AnybodybutObama”...
Now, I say the same thing and it is more urgent now than ever with the exception of Hilliary. HECK, even dumb dink head Kerry could do a better job.
What a sad state of affairs.
A metaphor about Obama that kinda gets away from him:
Obama is not Cancer.

Obama is a massive stroke coupled with Parkinson's disease AND Dimentia.

He is in a wheelchair on the 4th floor of a Nursing home.

A massive fire has just broken out on the second floor and the elevators have stopped functioning.

All exits are blocked.

A Tornado Warning has just gone into effect outside as well.
Israel hates Obama.
Obama also told Thomas (the NYT’s KAPO Jew) Friedman that the only way Israel would make concessions is if the Israeli DEMOCRATIC populace apply pressure to him. In other words, Obama is calling on the Israeli voter to force Netanyahu to cave in the HAMAS demands. This is not the first time Obaam has called on the Israelis to push Netanyahu aside so he (Obama) could get on with the business of weakening Israel. He did this on his last visit to Israel as well. All this means is that Obama and his administration have little sway in applying direct opressure on Israel.

Facts are, NOBODY RESPECTS OR IS LISTENING TO Obama right now, not even reliable allies like Israel. Israelis know Obama is working for the Muslim Brotherhood.
Love the "Kapo Jew" crack as well.

Obama may not be inept...he may be evil!
It certainly looks like Obama is not an incompetent blithering idiot, imbecile, nim-nod. He apparently is a Manchurian Candidate. I did not want to believe this for a long tie but looking at world events and his “lack” of policy looks as sinister as it can get.
I know a lot of yidish. Nim-nod is a new one.

Liberal Israelis are so petty
Liberals always grasp at irrelevant issues when faced with too much truth.

For example, in Israel, many Lefties (those that are still around) used to harp on Bibi Netanyahu's policies. In arguments where they were bested, they'd immediately jump to attack his wife and how ugly and stupid she was, (she is considered his soft underbelly for criticism).

So, when they have no serious argument they attack his wife's purchase of a lawn furniture set for example or other unrelated issues. The Israeli press does this frequently. Whent they have no dirt on him, they go after his wife, Sarah.

Now once I cornered a Lefty about Bibi and she said in anger and frustration, “Oh! and how he smokes that damn cigar”! He is known for smoking one every now and then but what she was really saying was, is that he acts like a fat, Capitalist, tycoon type elitist. I asked her what the connections from the cigar to his policies are and she had no answer.
Sweet Jesus, does he read this site? Right down to the smoking rage.

Speaking of irrelevant issues...
How can you cut short an ongoing vacation that has been uninterrupted since January 20th 2009?

It's not fair to Oabam who is attempting to break the Guinness Book of World Records for Executive Branch Golf Time. This is his most serious effort since being elected so let's give him credit where credit is due...
But now, it's the Democrats who are all about the petty BS.
The DemocRATs are desperate now. They managed to find a group of GOP folks who skinny dipped in Israel. Nobody cares and most folks will say, so what? This shows that the RATs are in very bad shape and grasping at straws...
Yeah, that was a huge story among Democrats...

Like a Freeper, only for Israel!
There are theories about that Shimon has been working for the CIA since the 1950’s. Now this sounds outlandish but when you look at where he was and what he did during pivotal times in Israel's history Shimon was there doing everything in his power to carry out US policy in the region. When the Cold War reigned, Shimon was there to buttress Israel's “deterrent” capability, in the Clintoon era, Shimon was there to drag Israel into the Oslo debacle as well even though Rabin paid the price. It will be interesting to discover who the real financial sources of the famed Peres Center for Peace institution are. Well, we will begin knowing more in the juicy books that will come out after he passes into the next realm of “peace in our time”. despite being the Elder statesman of Israel he has also been a monster. Happy birthday Shimon!
Also, this:
Islam, Muslim, Salami, Mooselami, Islami, Jihadi, Alla Akbarami?
And Romeo and Juliette is anti-Italian!
Did a Jew write this play?

A play about a cripple, wheelchair bound Jew being shot in the back and thrown overboard does not seem like entertainment or thought provoking Art to me.

Only a Muslim Arab can turn a coldblooded murder into a heroic act. They do it everyday, all over the planet. Soon ISIS-Art will become available on world markets replete with decapitated heads and appendages, stuffed babies and crucified people. Maybe THAT will come to the MET as well?
The UN's real agenda:
Ban Ki Moon also hopes to rescind Israel's membership from the UN, isolate her and help Iran demolish the Jewish State. Why do Jews need a state anyways? Let them be hunted down like in WWII or Yazids in Iraq, by ISIS...
Putin is evil, but at least he makes Obama feel bad!
Putin will get what he deserves, in good time. Until then, you have to tip your hat at how he has played Obama like a field mouse.
The end is coming.
Remember the old “Doomsday Clock”? The One minute to midnight thing?

We are there and when Iran gets the bomb, the planet slips into the Dark Ages but wait! Barry said “all options are on the table”. Question is, where’s the table?
And, of course, Eurabia.
Since 1982 (Peace for the Galilee Operation) and the Sabra&Shatilla massacres (committed by the Christian Phalange Party), Israel has been painted as Nazis all over Europe and the West. This is only getting worse. The Germans are no different than the rest of Europe right now, so they have to be antisemitic in order to buy themselves more time in the face of an Islamic conquest of Europe (Eurabia).
Obama is just bombing while he waits for HAMAS to bomb Israel:
Obama is going to ineffectively bomb Syria and Russia, Syria, Iran, Hizbollah and HAMAS will hit Israel and maybe Jordan. Then, Obama gets what he wants.
He always capitalizes HAMAS, which is probably some weird slur I don't get.

Israel's restraint:
Coming from the Arab world's PRAVDA and designed to defame Israel at any cost, these journalists at Al-Jazeera will always find an American military person who is “appalled” at anything Israel does.
The truth of the matter is that Israel showed MASSIVE RESTRAINT in this battle.

When you look at the amount of ordnance used by Israel, 200,000 Paleostinians should have been killed and not 2,000 over a 50 day period.
He loves that 200,000 shoulda stat, and comes back to it a number of times.

Pure genocidal rage.
What does an African Muslim do when he's bored?
He kills a Christian Infidel boy.

What does a bored Paleostinian Muslim do when he's bored?
He kills an Infidel (Jewish) infant with a knife jab to the heart.

What does a bored Sunna Muslim do when he's bored?
He kills an Infidel (Shia) man sitting in a mosque, praying.

What does a bored Shia Muslim do when he's bored?
He kills an Infidel (Sunna) man sitting in a mosque, praying.

These scum, live to kill or be killed. This is what they do for a living. This is what they enjoy year round, especially on their own holidays like Ramadan. Then, they go berserk above and beyond their normal insanity.

They are good at killing their own people, families, tribes, daughters, leaders, friends, enemies, parents, donkeys, parakeets, hamsters, cats, rats, insects and even, if they could, molecules.

The very air they breath smells of death, destrruction and mayhem. In the old days, it was enough to just use the word, “Muslim”, “Mohammaden”, or even, “Arab” but we live in a PC world where you can't even call them “terrorists” but you ARE permitted to call them “militants”.

Until we open our eyes and begin seeing the reality they are creating in this world, we will continue to miss the point.

The point is, is that that they desire, in the strongest possible way to meet Allah so the West had better start sending them there en mass before they do it to us...
"The very air they breath." Good lord.


  1. I've become convinced over the last six years that there are people that legitimately disagree with Obama's policies and can speak to those disagreements in a rational manner. Then we have the nut bags, haters and conspiracy loons that will find a reason to hate anything he does. Free Republic (and most other right wing sites) is stuffed to the gills with those sorts of people, making the legitimate opponents (who I have no issue with) look like crazy whiners.

    1. Left wing does the same. You know that and feel ashamed too. You are too honest not to. We're always going to have nutters on both sides.

    2. Of course the left wing has their nutters. The thing is, the mainstream left wing is properly ashamed of them. When Bush was president, the left-wing blogs complained about things he actually did instead of what they imagined he did, or twisting everything he did just to hate him more. For example, Daily Kos kicked out their 9/11 truthers, and they still ban conspiracy theories. And just look at Van Jones. He was fired because it just looked like he might be a truther (all he did was sign a petition supporting more investigation into 9/11). By contrast, Republican birthers are out and proud, even in the halls of Congress. Republicans actually opposed Obama on legislation that they supported! If Bush had supported Democratic legislation, we would have been ecstatic! So of course I'm ashamed of the left wing loons. I know a few on some message boards and interact with them from time to time, but I thank God that they're not driving the Democratic agenda the way the loons on the right are driving the Republican agenda.

  2. Hamas is in fact an acronym of Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah, but even Hamas doesn't capitalize it. Hell, Arabic doesn't even have capital letters.

  3. It's funny how the "premillenial vs postmillenial" battle is frequently played out in Freeperdom in its secular form. You have the people who believe that America is doomed and that it is best to retreat into militias, and then you have the people who call the doomsayers tacit Obama supporters and that Ted Cruz and the Tea Party can make the world all better.
