Thursday, October 30, 2014

More Anti-Muslim revisionist History.

I did a post like this back in 2013, but the naked anti-intellectualism remains amazing to me.

Not content with deciding there are no moderate Muslims today, Freepers twist history so that Muslims have always all been pure evil bad guys, and to say otherwise makes you a "traitor to civilization!"

vladimir998 is too sure Islam has always been intolerant to bother checking on that:
Medieval, modern - Islam’s history was always a bloody rather than a golden age...especially for the non-Muslims.
The Right wing Infidel just repeats the dogma:
the golden age of islam is a myth, islam has always been a violent barbaric satanic religion
Ethan Clive Osgoode quotes a history text from 70 years ago, and indicts the authors:
Here is an example from Inorganic Chemistry: A Textbook for Colleges and Schools. By E.J. Holmyard, MA, MSc, DLitt, FIC, etc. Used as a textbook from the 1920s to the 1940s in British schools:

When the empires of Byzantium and Persia were overthrown by the armies of Islam (seventh century A.D.), the Muslim conquerors, after they had settled down, began to encourage learning... the Arabs, who soon developed a passion for the science... therefore the establishment of scientific method is the great achievement of the chemists of Islam... Muslims were the first chemists of the world... Fostered by the Muslim rulers, science in Spain flourished, and chemistry might at the present day have been in a much higher stage of development if the great disaster of the defeat of the Muslims by CHARLES THE HAMMER at Tours in A.D. 732 had not taken place. This triumph of the forces of reaction was a great blow to science in general and chemistry in particular, and although the Moorish power in Spain was not finally overthrown until 1492, irreparable damage had been done.

Generations have been raised on this tripe, written by traitors to civilization.
MNDude has done a careful study of Islam:
They have been evil since the beginning. Just read about how Mohammed had old ladies pulled apart with camels because they had no use.
sitetest assures us Islam just copied off of Byzantium.
Islam created nothing. It conquered by the sword the culturally, morally, scientifically, spiritually, and humanly superior Eastern Roman civilization and lived off the accumulated social capital for centuries, even as it ran the remains of that civilization into the ground. Islam is Satan’s mockery of true religion.

Islam must be destroyed.
jjotto says it was the Jews:
Not to mention that Jews were the brains and administrators of the supposed ‘Islamic’ golden age.
Bogey78O explains Muslims seemed learned and civilized because they traded better:
The golden age of islam existed because they held all the major trade routes and conquered very educated and well off areas. Once Europeans got around them and the land trade routes dried up, Islam’s golden age ended.
Trade routs are cheating! winodog don't know much about history, but has a bet:
I don’t know much either but my bet is they stole it from someone whom they slaughtered in the name of allah.
LambSlave tries to explain how Muslism didn't to algebra, just addition!
I’m tired of reading crap about Muslims/Africans inventing algebra- they couldn’t even invent the wheel. They were no farther along than the Babylonians or Egyptians thousands of years before them- they could solve scripted word problems that they copied from antiquity, and would today be recognized as a type of problem that we would represent as an algebraic equation... For example, “One of these plus another chicken is three chickens. These is two chickens”. Rene Descartes, an evil white European Christian man, was the sole inventor of what every school child in America and the civilized world today knows as algebra, which is to say symbolic algebra.
Polynomials and square roots are just chicken-math!


  1. Freeperdom in a nutshell. There are no mistakes, no misunderstandings, no developments. Something good was always a holy good since the beginning of time and something bad was always a demonic evil. No wonder progress is a dirty word for them.

  2. Another classic freeper post..about the nurse breaking quarantine

  3. Ted Cruz isn't anti-gay enough ...
    Freepers pitch a fit!

    1. "However, I and many others care what a CEO does in his spare time, especially when it involves depraved behavior." I want to put this to the test. I truly do. I want to trot out what other multimillionaire and billionaire CEOs do in their spare time, especially the ones that these FR fuckwits admire, and then hear about how great they are.

    2. Yes, I'm sure that Donald Trump is pure as the driven snow in his spare time.
