Thursday, October 2, 2014

The Secret Service hates Obama

The Secret Service is like Europe to Freepers - sufficiently apolitical and remote that it changes depending on what they need it for.

Over Obama's tenure, the Secret Service is fascisticly diligent, an extravagance that proves Obama's a king, hate Obama, and has been ruined by Obama making it black.

Now it seems the Secret Service has been doing a pretty bad job of protecting the President (though in difficult circumstances).

Freepers kind of go for all of the above, with a dash of conspiracy thrown in.

lacrew - thinks supervillian Soros is orchestrating all of this.
Maybe Soros is done with Obama...on to the martyr phase.
Wow, for a supervillian, Soros sure is crappy at assassinating! EricT. simultaneously doesn't care if Obama dies, and is happy no one got hurt.
There used to be a time when this would outrage me.

But I have come to realize that lame-ass politicians are a dime a dozen. Perhaps the Secret Service has, too.

Regardless, I’m glad that nobody got hurt.
freedumb2003 knows the Secret Service HATE Obama, and are also super unprofessional.
I have to clench my teeth on this one.

The SS has a standard duty. But they loved both Bushes, didn’t like to have to deal with bj, HATED hitlery and HATE the obozos and HATE AND DESPISE moochele.

I think it makes a difference.
dforest is just a crazy person.
The guard with the gun should have been protected from Obama.

Interesting that Obama was just at the CDC a short time ago.

Voila, we have Ebola.

Makes me wonder.
Speaking of crazy, I'm beginning to wonder what Ann Archy is like in person, and her drug of choice:
Those are his PEEPS!!!!! He LOVES criminals!!! Those are actually his SONS!!
Has anyone else noticed Freepers' message discipline lagging as of late? Either this extended Congressional recess and concomitant silly season has led to craziness is getting hard to corral, or Limbaugh is on vacation.


  1. Freedumb2003 is right..moochie and hillary are both documented in treating the SS and WH staff like crap and Laura Bush was known to be liked by them because she treated them well.

    1. "documented" in this case means some anonymous somebody said it on the internet, and the right wing blogosphere and Fox News ran with it as if it was gospel truth.

    2. Oh that is right she is a liberal democrat so she is pure as the wind driven snow lol

    3. Yes, one bitter uber-right wing "supposed" front line secret service agent who wrote a politically partisan book, breaking all decorum and protocol ...

      Oh-so-credible ... NOT!

    4. anon1, would you like to be married to GW Bush or Ronald Reagan? Is that how we're gauging politicians now -- by whether or not you'd shtup them? Grow up.

    5. Hillary Clinton is Wall Street's the National Chamber of Commerce's favorite candidate.

      She has consistently opposed any banking/finance restrictions and transparency regulations, along with anything but the most minor of labor protections and environmental regulations.

      Conservatives biggest fear of Hillary Clinton is that she will siphon off a huge percentage of Koch brother, chemical/oil industry, and Big Banking money should she decide to run.

      And anon1, I don't want to be married to her, or to you either.

    6. Agreed, and I'm hoping for a much better candidate than HRC. I just don't think that accusing a woman of being a bitch is in any way a good argument for or against her qualifications. Ridiculous in this day and age, really ridiculous.

    7. If you brain dead liberals think Jacki O, Reagan, Lady Bird, Laura Bush ever cussed out the SS ...shaking head..Some people have class and HRC and mocchie have none.

    8. We could play the no-class game all day. Yawn.
      Yeah, I know it's W, not his stupid wife. And let's not even get into how foul LBJ was. Didn't seem to bother Lady Bird. Big deal.
      I still think cussing is less offensive than grown women who talk like 3-year olds using words like "doody" and "flippin" instead of curse words. They sound mental.

    9. @anon1, if you brain dead conservatives heard a Republican man talking that way, you'd praise him as a strong leader. Quite the double standard you have.

    10. Wrong one should treat their employees that way, liberal or conservative. If a conservative treated their staff that way I would be outraged.

    11. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and count you as an exception. But most of your fellow conservatives would.
