Thursday, May 6, 2010

The NY idiot bomber

The latest bomb scare followed the usual trajectory (Step 1. Assume he's Muslim. Step 2: be angry about lack of profiling. Step 3: We should nuke wherever he's from!) And this fourth step isn't new either, but I've been traveling so this is where I came in.

I guess this guys was on a plane and taxiing before it turned around. Never mind that there are like 10 hours in the air you can divert an airplane, or that we may not know the whole story. Freepers know who to blame: every liberal they can!

purplelobster assumes this is Obama's fault, and he's blaming someone else!

Barry fumbles again. Rather than just admit that he screwed up again he gets out the teleprompter and blames the airline. Barry’s need to present himself as infallible is the overriding concern. His bumbling reaction to this is much like his bumbling reaction to the oil spill, where he takes no steps to fix the problem, but simply enjoys pointing the trademark Barry Guilty Finger of Shame.

BOBTHENAILER knows the FBI is full of sekret Muslims. Behind every tree...
an F.B.I. surveillance team that had found Mr. Shahzad in Connecticut lost track of him — it is not clear for how long

they must have stopped for prayers to Allah
Skip Ripley is such a victim!

Look...the Federal Government can’t track allll of these international terrorists. They have to devote a substantial number of man hours and resources to keeping an eye on those tea party crackpots.


Lapses? I seem to remember ‘lapses’ with the Shoe Bomber. And ‘lapses’ with the Underwear Bomber. Others come to mind too.

Napolatano is as bad or worse as Janet Reno or Jamie Gorelick before her.

Uhhh shoe bomber was Bush.

353FMG has the usual question:
Putting all kidding aside, has anyone ever considered whose side [Napolatano] may be on? She is a RAT, you know, and RATs are not pro-American.
freekitty sums it all up:

It’s real simple. The simpleton in the WH let him on the plane.

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