Thursday, May 27, 2010

Who is to blame for the oil spill?


muawiyah wants more regulation:
No, BP is not responsible ~ the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT owns the well. BP drilled it, but pays royalties to continue to use it.

The inspection regime created and administered by an army of EPA, INTERIOR and special interest lawyers proved to be inadequate.

Tarpon has questions. Well, really a conspiracy theory in the form of questions:
Depends on what you think is responsible for the waiver given by MMS to violate standard procedures of offshore drilling. Was it a payback for O campaign contributions? Was it authorized from higher ups? a czar maybe? Was it crony capitalism at it finest?

And then there is this problems with Deepwater Horizons inspection logs?

I suggest we won’t know until after Jan 2011.

marron notes that oil is everywhere and we're not drilling:

It should be pointed out that Brazil has drilled its way to energy independence, in deep water. So its tough, but its do-able.

All the easy stuff is off limits. Now they are going to try and make the difficult stuff off limits too, mark my words. The Brazilians can do it, but we can’t.

We have as much oil shale as the Saudis have oil. We’ve got so much oil off the California coast that it comes bubbling up through the ocean floor. We have as much oil off the arctic coast of Alaska as you’ll find anywhere, and if we don’t drill it the Russians will.

Just like, if we don’t want to drill off Florida, no problem, the Chinese will do it for us. On behalf of Cuba.

Ahh, oil shale. Wonder why the oil companies haven't been refining it? Probably Obama's fault.

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