Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday Potpouri

definitelynotaliberal hopes the Clarance Thomas hearings gave Napolitano a chronic degenerative disease:
I hope that it was the stress of that knowledge that pushed Napolitano into Parkinson’s earlier than she had been scheduled to get there. God forgive me for saying such a resoundingly uncharitable thing, but I cannot come to terms with what she did in Waco and in the Elian Gonzalez case. A terrible and terrifying woman!
Servant of the Cross saw Biden look down in the Thomas hearings, and is able to glean volumes:

Justice Thomas looks directly at him (Biden was responsible for the circus and had lied to Thomas behind the scenes about the process he would be subjected to) while he was making his final statement. The power of an honest man done wrong was too much for even biden to bear. He looks down, knowing Justice Thomas had just called him out for his lying shameful behavior.
Also, look at Justice Thomas' wife in the background during this statement. She's proud of him, but real pissed at the lynching that had taken place. I would have liked to see her tell biden what she thought of him.

katana totally found what to compare Libya to!

If Egypt looked like Obama’s Iran this is beginning to look like his Rwanda. He’s twice the incompetent and accomplice in genocide as his democrat predecessors, and in only two years!
reasonisfaith's response to Chris Christie's criticism of Sarah Palin is a bit...cultish:
Christie’s tactic here is typical of the left. Not necessarily claiming he’s a leftist, but the tactic is hardcore leftist. (Maybe he learned it from his 911 Victory Mosque allies.)

This particular tactic is to hammer your opponent on their greatest strength. One of Palin’s most prominent qualities is the fact that she is unscripted and natural.

Again, for Christie or anyone blind enough to believe what he says, let’s repeat this: one of Palin’s most prominent qualities is the fact that she is unscripted and natural.

One of Palin’s most prominent qualities is the fact that she is unscripted and natural.

One of Palin’s most prominent qualities is the fact that she is unscripted and natural.

One of Palin’s most prominent qualities is the fact that she is unscripted and natural.
meyer wants us to recognize the biggest union of all:
LOL - Hitler, leader of the NATIONAL SOCIALIST PARTY (NAZI Party), didn’t hate unions - he led the largest union in the world.
The Comedian has a plan. It starts with going Galt, and then gets crazy:
1) If you are a wage earner, reduce the amount of withholding taken from your pay to zero.
2) If you are self-employed, make everything a business expense.

3) Buy used.

4) Use cash (FedGov can't trace what you buy or when).

5) Empty all bank accounts (FedGov taxes profits from banks, banks contribute to Democrats).

6) Pay off all credit accounts (FedGov taxes profits from credit companies).

7) Plant a garden.

8) If possible, get on unemployment, welfare, early retirement, etc. Stop producing income, goods, or services which can be taxed.

9) Join your local Democrat Party, and shut up: Infiltrate, Identify, Incapacitate.

10) Pray constant prayers of thanksgiving for deliverance from this nightmare we've brought upon ourselves.
WayneS has some improvements to make to the Constitution:
I'm thinking, "walk" until AFTER the collapse, then fight like hell to re-establish the Constitution, with the following small changes:

1) A line item veto for the president will be included.
2) Term limits for both houses of congress will be dictated.
3) NO mention of "the General Welfare" shall appear anywhere in the document. It has proven too confusing for some to understand.
4) The phrase "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State" will be removed from the Bill of Rights.
5) The death penalty shall be mandated for ANY elected federal official who accepts money from ANY individual or corporation lobbying for ANY legislation; said penalty shall be carried out via hanging by the neck until dead on a gallows constructed on the front steps of the Capitol building for the express purpose of executing corrupt elected federal officials.
Impala64ssa is unsure what the Phelps folks think about DOMA:
Has anyone seen or heard from the Westboro Baptist church? Given their supposedly intense hatred of homosexuals they are quite conspicuous by their absence. Or did the puppetmasters in the DNC order them to stand down?
Yes, Freepers think Phelps is a DNC plant. Because there is no such thing as crazy, only liberal!

Yet_Again has a nonstandard takeaway from the revelation that Muslims are lynching homosexuals:
You know, it's ironic that of all human behaviors, homosexuality is so vile and repugnant to the universe at large that even Satan even condemns it.
crosshairs is ready!
I have a conceal carry license. I carry to church. I am always on alert for the first Islamist to darken our door yelling "Allah Akb,,,". And thats all he'll get out before I plug him in the thoracic triangle.
Beckwith has a new one:
While a student in the late 1970s, Barack Obama carved his name in the pavement outside the cafeteria of Punahou School.

Kinda interesting, eh, King Obama?
Truth29 knows how you can rationally hate Obama. Start out hating Obama, and the rest is easy!
Once you are convinced that Obama is anti-American and his actions fit a pattern of weakening the US and strengthening its enemies, then any action he takes is viewed with suspicion.
Iron Munro is not a fan of the Muslims:
Crazy muslims are killing each other and the Dumbo in the White House wants to send Marines in to stop it?

He is either even more stupid than we thought or he is more pro-muslim than anyone admits.
Or more likely, he is both.

Let them knock each other off.
Just send ammo to which ever side is losing at the moment.

Keep our Marines and our aircraft on the ships.
We have lost enough Americans to these 8th century animals.

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