Monday, March 21, 2011

The UN needs Libya!

Freepers have found a way to hate Obama for Libya while still appearing principled. Seems the Libyan action is also something the UN wanted. Thus, they needn't worry about Bush or whatnot and can get straight to the conniption:

Ulysse thinks Obama himself is a UN plot:

Yes Obama is a UN puppet.
Has been elected as such in order to weaken USA and give up to the muslim world, China....meanwhile he is waging fake wars

Muslim world, China...secret alliance? What about Russia?!

knarf is too pissed to use English:
I said this after hearing him say we would not put ground troops in Libya cut would be part of a global coalition (or words to that effect)
zero is a traitor, just a half step away from legal prosecution and the feckless republicans are discussing NPR.


hal ogen sees this as more proof Obama is awful:
Probable quote from nobama: The US Constitution is crap...I wipe my a** with the Constitution.”
traditional1 gos straight "new world order" though what the shadow government wants with Libya is left unsaid:
IF I were a conspiracy follower, the whole Libya fiasco could be interpreted to be a cause that could forward the “One World Government” agenda of Soros/Obama/Progressives.
tsowellfan knows why Obama follows the UN:
no muslim can ever be loyal to the United States, because it goes against their faith.
Of course 0bama thinks the UN is above Congress, and the UN Charter above the Constitution.

Like all leftists, he inherently believes the more centralized the government, the more authority it has, especially over less centralized authoritie.

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