Friday, November 18, 2011

Ugly equals Evil

One of the Occupy Protesters was arrested for blocking traffic. The NY Post did a write up on her. Freepers prefer to focus on more...shallow observations:

Yikes! There aren't enough bags in the world ...
She and Austin Powers go to the same dentist
Anyone check her story out, that ugly thing could not have kids.

I thought that was a guy.


Aw, put her back in the stall with Mr. Ed.........:)

Looks like Stace...after going negative on deodorant, dipped into the bleach
I feel sorry for the officers carrying her away. No doubt they got sh*t on their hands hauling off that human turd.
Mygirlsmom preemptively hates this womans' four kids.
You have wasted precious oxygen that could have been put to productive use for the last 38 years. Not content with that, you chose to multiply your efforts times 4 by bearing even more oxygen wasters.


  1. I'm surprised that the Freepers haven't expressed outrage that the police didn't simply shoot her for the high crime of blocking traffic (total Marxist Alinsky-ite tactic!).

    They sure do spend ungodly amounts of energy complaining about every aspect of every issue, no matter how minor, don't they?

  2. Mygirlsmom need to get psychological help. Children deserve oxygen, every child in the world. If Mygirlsmom does not see it that way, then she should turn herself in to the local psych ward. Seriously.

  3. All Freepers should turn themselves into the local psych ward. No ifs, ands or buts about it.
