Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The midterms are upon us, and many Freepers are counting their chickens. This, of course, means lamenting how awful the victorious GOP will be.

Nowhere is Freeper's commitment to pessimism more evident than with immigration. At this point, they've had their paranoia whipped up so far that they insist on the status quo, because they don't trust any change at all to not be a secret amnesty.

I suppose they have a point - the current broken system is about as cruel and inhumane as we're going to get.

GeronL gives the lay of the land:
The GOP and Democrats are on the same side
MUDDOG embraces the gridlock:
"You're going to see a bill actually reach the desk of the president if we finally have someone besides Harry Reid sitting in the Senate.

That's an argument to keep Harry Reid in there.
montag813 notes that Mitt Romney is predicting some movement on immigration:
Doesn’t this douche realize all this treason talk does is SUPPRESS our turnout?
tumblindice on the secret plan:
once the Dems and their RINO friends like Boehner, McConnell, Graham, McCain, et al. feel the time is right, they will declare the border secure and give 20-30 million Mexicans and central Americans, and miscellaneous other lawbreakers .... amnesty. And the border will remain porous.
BlueNgold is sure this is all just agitprop:
I also urge you to consider the publication...

Huffington post, writing an article not about what was said to them or one of their own reporters. Some HP columnist was sitting on his couch watching Fox News Sunday, and picked out this piece of the discussion for an article.

They are TRYING to rile you up, and discourage you.

I consider the spin on this article to be successful. They have achieved their goal. Conservatives are upset and saying exactly what they want them to say... Why bother voting republican, I might as well stay home.

I fear some of you have been played by the leftists at HuffPo.
It's a reflex with them now.lulu16 also gets on the Romney hate train:
I know it is Sunday, but in my mind, I am giving this man the finger. And to think, I gathered my neighbors together for a prayer meeting for him the night before the election.
Man, if Romney really does jump into the election in 2016, Freep will be gold.


  1. "the current broken system is about as cruel and inhumane as we're going to get."

    You're clearly ignorant of the immigration systems, especially regarding illegals, in most of the countries around the world.

    1. I was speaking politically. We're not ratcheting down anymore than we already are (and where we already are rather sucks for the immigrants.

      It's awesome for business and consumers, though! Illegals are the new peasants, and our civilization rests upon them.

    2. Steve86 is a nutcase..on a old thread said all couples should stop having sex after the babies are born..said he and his wife stopped having sex after age 40 citing some Catholic crap for their reason.. here his advice is for married couples to live as brother and sister.

      To: sitetest
      "I found out that as a divorced and remarried woman I could not receive Communion".

      Certainly you can. Control your sexual urges for an extended time (i.e. years), repent for past activity and vow to live as brother and sister.
      21 posted on 11/4/2014, 2:14:45 PM by steve86 (Prophecies of Maelmhaedhoc OÂ’Morgair (Latin form: Malachy))
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    3. Steve86 has a Josephite marriage no sex:
      WE have a Josephite* Marriage.

      *Spiritual marriage or chaste marriage comes from the original divine law that marriage should be the union between soulmates who are attracted to each other by divine magnetism and not by the animal magnetism of sexual activity.
      51 posted on 1/14/2014, 2:32:23 PM by steve86 (Some things aren't really true but you wouldn't be half surprised if they were.)
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  2. Agreed steve86 is quite the kook-meister on FR ... a very (other peoples') sex obsessed character.

    As for the main topic,
    I almost welcome a republican take over in the US Senate.
    They're not going to impeach Obama.
    They're not going to repeal Affordable Care.
    They're not going to force conservative judges into the many open federal court positions.
    They're not going to outlaw abortion or gay marriage.

    And freepers are going to freak out even more!

  3. Freepers have been dogging republicans and yapping about the establishment for two years but now that Republicans have won the senate all of a sudden it's WE have the senate. Republicans won the senate DESPITE of the existence of people like Freepers.

  4. I feel your pain, kids. The cyanide pills are to the left :).
