Monday, November 12, 2007

Economic problems? What economic problems?

Free Republic: when they aren't terrified by it, they're whistling past the graveyard.
-—gotta get the economy talked down for a Roosevelt-style Demotraitor sweep in ‘08-—
All bad news = propaganda. But the Demotraitors. That's right ladies, rellimpank is witty too!

And there's more of the same:
Even Wall Street gurus have political preferences. I’d be surprised if this wasn’t said for political reasons.
Let's not look into this guy; he disagrees with our world view, so lets call him a shill for those Demotraitors!

Mr Ramsbothan ants to get involved too, but wants to know if we can add racism to the mix. On Free Republic? Do you really need to ask?
This kind of talk reminds me of the old Indian rain dances. Not that the Indians were more superstitious than any other primitives, but they’d simply dance and dance and dance until it rained. Then they’d nod and say, “See, it worked!”

"other primitives?" apparently, as his name implies, Mr. Ramsbothan is writing from colonial Britain.

And then there are those who are actually worried about the falling dollar, rising price of oil, skyrocketing debt and housing crunch. See, even if we do go into a second great depression, it's a good thing!
You know, I don't think a little stress would be a bad thing for this current generation of text messaging Facebook rats.There are so many good jobs out there today, and have been for so long, many have no concept of a tough economy.
Nothing like homelessness and begging to build character!

Let the recession come. Maybe if things get a little tighter, and jobs harder to come by then people may start to worry about illegal aliens taking lots of jobs from americans. Right now no one wants to rock the boat. I say bring it on.
Yes. We will blame the brown people and then everything will be okay in the good old U.S. of A. Hang more than a few. Cause if there's anything causing inflation and recession it's peole working for very low wages.
Grandpa Simpson: The last time the meteors came, we thought the sky was on fire. Naturally, we blamed the Irish. We hanged more 'n a few.
Okay, that last quote wasn't from Free Republic, but it is damn close.

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