Monday, November 26, 2007

Reagan's racial politics

I thought it was accepted that wellfate queens didn't exist. But after Krigman refered to this racial trope in a recent article, I found that they were everywhere in Freepworld:

Before we get to the racism, though, we need to get past the worshiping of graven idols, since Reagan was mentioned:
Krugman soils himself yet again, and he dares take the name of Ronald Reagan in vain.
"in vain?"

Then there's the "wellfare queens" bit:
"...the bogus story of the Cadillac-driving welfare queen..."

This goofball obviously never visited the Detroit area, or he'd never have called that story "bogus."

"Typical," maybe, but not "bogus."
The poster, Redbob (WWJBD - "What Would Jack Bauer Do?"), says he's alifelong southerner in his profile, so I'm not sure where he gets the data for this statement. advertising guy has proof though:

welfare cadillacs were so regular that fuzzed up ones were on Clint Eastwood movies in the day................

Klugman is a Clymer

Well, if it was in a Clint Eastwood movie, then it must have been owned by black wellfare cheats! It all makes sense now!

But on to generally race relations, SatinDoll has an important fact to add to the "discussion:"

Dear Mr. Krugman,

did you know that every human is born genetically black? Some of us happen to carry recessive mutations for creating less melanin in the dermis, hence light colored skin.

What you really need to address is cultural attitudes, you know, like stealing is OK and rape is an every day fact of life. That’s where all the real differences lie.

I think SatinDoll is refering to the fact that the human race started in Africa, not that we're black. Also, that bit about cultural attitudes is the most naked racism I've seen on the site.
Despite what might have happened back in 1980, modern Democrats feed racial polarization and feed off racial polarization.

The Republican philosophy on racial minorities is to assimilate them into mainstream society. The Democrat philosophy is to keep them barefoot, pregnant and registered to vote.

See, if black people would just assymilate and become just like white people, then it'd all be okay! And the way to get there: tax cuts for the rich!

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