Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Giulliani: Still hated

Worried that the crazy 27% supports Rudy nowadays? USA today says only 7% of conservatives say they won't vote for him.

Well, I don't believe it. Upon hearing the news that Pat Robertson has endorsed Rudy, the hatred on Free Republic was still white hot:

The universe is truly out of whack...

We have Weyrich and Bob Jones backing Romney...

Robertson backing Julie Anne...

Dobson, well doing whatever he is doing

Depending on your beliefs either Satan is laughing or there is a rip in the space time continuum ...

Or both...
So if you aren't religeous, the only explanation is time travel.

Many, rather than simply despaired, rage, RAGE against the...messenger.

He hasn’t been influential with me. This endorsement will keep him from being influential to many.

Others talk about Rudy's secret dark side. Not just a gun-grabing abortionist, could he also be a...Saudi Spy?
Giuliani very publicly turned down a big Saudi check on behalf of 9/11 victims. But then he very quietly turned around and accepted big Saudi checks when they were made out to Giuliani Partners.
Or, worse, an agent of the Beast?
"Robertson... obviously fear of Clinton is overriding common sense. Giuliani would be a disaster for social conservatives, and yet they flock to him out of fear. Sad."

Does anyone remember that Giuliani was the one who handed the NY Senate seat to Hillary? Think he won't do it again?

Rudy is a Clintoon shill.

Wake up people.
Rudy didn't run for Senate as a Republican in New York! He's a TRAITOR!

Of course, about 1 in 10 counteract the anti-Rudy paranoia, with anti-Hillary paranoia:

If we SURVIVE Hillary. I am sure she is drawing up plans to arrest Rush!

Also, she's going to shoot Bush in Ft. Marcy park. And gas all the puppies. Jesus.

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