Thursday, November 1, 2007

Hildabeast Thursdays

This week is rife with scandals for Hillary: her dodging/weaving at the debate, Peter Paul's accusations, Obama's little jabs. And of course, Freepers are on the case for all of these. But the craziest accusation this week?

Her lesbian lover is a Saudi Spy!

Original Poster KayEyeDoubleDee links to a bunch of gossip stories about a female associate of Hillary's, who has *gasp* Muslim parents! Clearly a spy!

RC@ notes the importance of this story:
Great.....a bull dyke for President. Just what this country.....or the world.....really needs right now. Will Iran negotiate with a dyke? Don’t they hang them over there? A lesson on how to make our country look the fool in one easy election. Great, just great.
Good point. Better not let Iran see this unsubstantiated rumor. "Make the country look like a fool?" What, for not noticing Hillary was a fascist-commie lesbian? Well, good thing Free Republic is on the case.

One small item that caught my eye.

Notice in the photos, with both of them, they wear opposite colored clothing, in the next they have switched.

That's some good detective work, Lou. Switching colors is is one of those super secret gay signals, I'm sure! It's probably also an Al Qaeda signal.

Some don't believe the story. But, rather than appear sane, they blame this on an intricate Clintonista plan

But the original poster points out the real danger: Al Qaeda!
Folks, this is a Clintonian trap.

I'm not worried about a Clintonian trap.

I'm worried about a Wahhabi trap.

This girl's resume just screams "Saudi Intelligence".

Or, worse yet, Al Qaeda intelligence.

Beautiful, wealthy, sexy, composed, unflappable, femme-fatale is the classic profile of a mole.
He's seen the movies! All Hot, rich woman are moles! Beware!!

Speaking of hot, some Freepers had to add some racism to this thread.
Based on her picture in that red dress - NOT GUILTY!
Why look at facts, when boobs are much more interesting, eh?

RoseofTexas would like to add some homophobia to go with that racism:
Two things will happen here...(1) the SHE-LESBO-DEVIL’s cronies will immediately announce Huma’s engagement to a stooge or they’ll ship her out of the country ASAP like they've done in the past!
"like they've done in the past?" Hillary: female rapist! The perfect match for Bill! You heard it on Free Republic Watch first!

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