Friday, January 14, 2011

And Now Another Word from Outer Space:

Psychoanalyzing Liberals edition:

I wrote a book on the evolutionary psychology of Liberals. The theory was that the Liberal is an evolved psychology, designed to seek personal advantage at the expense of their group (As opposed to Conservatives, who are programmed to compete in group competition to better their species, and it’s evolutionary prospects, regardless of individual personal advantage).

Under this theory, our species exists as a large group of competitors, dedicated to our species advancement regardless of our own personal success, but infiltrated by a perniscious, selfish psychology which exhibits traits the group would revile, if they were exposed. I state in the book (written a year ago) that the Liberal fears nothing more than being exposed, as this, historically would have led to a purge, and Darwinian destruction. Thus, when acrimony and division grew, the Liberal will panic, for fear of being outed. That is what they are programmed to do. That is the root of the current calls to all “Come together.” If we up the acrimony and division, the Liberal will go to ground, as under Reagan. They are programmed to. They are a treasonous subversive walking the fine line of a traitor. They want us to think they are of our own, as they selfishly betray us.

Yes, they will use any future violence to call for coming together, so they may continue to hide amongst us. We must seek to continue to portray them as the enemy, and increase the partisanship and attacks on their character, and control they seek.
Sadly, they will seek to use attacks on Republicans to try and continue this come together crap, so don’t be surprised if we see some real violence directed at us in the future.

God Bless Sarah Palin.

Partisan Social Darwinism supplied by AnonymousConservative (Ye shall know them by their fruits.)

1 comment:

  1. So in other words, only a liberal would care about the death other people and show compassion to survivors? Only a liberal would want people to work together in a society? I think I can live with that.
