Monday, January 17, 2011


Glenn Beck thinks Obama's speech at the memorial was pretty good. Freepers will have none of that ideological impurity.

This is a long one, as the thread was a goldmine of partisanship the likes of which I do not often see:

Carley thinks this is a masterstroke gambit by Beck:

Does anything drive the left crazier than hearing their guy praised by the right?
Beck is deliciously diabolical, IMHO

Glenn, I know you’re under a lot of pressure to be fair, but get a grip! Any boob can read a speech. The REAL Obama praised Sheriff Dupenik for his work
FOLLOWING the slaughter. How could you give the Marxist quarter?

Responsibility2nd thinks Presidential speeches don't really count as part of the job:

Look. All Obama did on Wednesday was to read what the TOTUS told him.
And he did it very well.
Apart from that - Beck and the rest of the toadies at Fox can KMA.
de.rm thinks this was like Hitler. Oh, and Obama has T-shirts waiting for someone to get shot in Tuscon.

I was just another nighttime Hitler rally.
Work just one aspect of the logistics, how long would it take you to have a shipping container load of T-shirts screen printed, packed and delivered and then draped across 14,000 seats?
It's just the Columbo in me.
SonOfDarkSkies thinks this was all a big conspiracy, including the shooting:

I have this nagging feeling that the whole scene, including the shooting, was an Obama op. The man is a psychopath...nothing is off the table with him. Any man who can turn a memorial for the dead into narcissistic ego-fest is
capable of having agents whip an already unstable man into a murderous frenzy and pointing him a preselected direction.
What are a few dead people to a Marxist when a version of the Reichstag Fire is needed to breath fresh life into the 'cause.'
Steelfish has decided Beck is just a bit too dumb to reflexively hate Obama

Beck is a recovering alcoholic and sometimes the elevator doesn’t quite go up to the top. In order to show “moderation” when under attack, these “self-taught” scholars lapse into utter foolishness.
MinuteGal thinks this is a sign Beck is going down:

Prediction.....Beck will self-implode. He will not be renewed next year. He will bring it on himself. Conservatives will be the first of his viewing base to go. They're going, already, as a matter of fact.
Then he can fall back on his radio gig and book writing, maybe "tent"-type evangelizing, touting his heroes, MLK and Ghandi, and spreading his own concept of pacifism and how to live.

devere prefers to think Beck and FOX are under the control of the Muslims.

Glenn doesn’t “get played”, but he is a good company man. Perhaps Fox has
been told by their Saudi owners to help Barry get reelected. Perhaps Fox is
there to “play” us, by pretending to be a conservative news outlet.

fatnotlazy loved Bush, who really knew how to give a good speechL

Compare this farce with George Bush’s remarks after 9/11. There is no comparison.
President Bush lifted us up after 9/11. The tragedy of that day was not about him. It was about the victims and us holding together as a nation.
Compare that to this president’s speech. There was none of that inspiration, comfort or support. He just preached.

noinfringers2 and many others knows the important thing is Obama's chin position.

You caught his Mussolini feature. He has shown this over and over during
speeches. It has to be some kind of way to express superiority over subjects-a
la Mussolini and Hitler.

roses of sharon would like to start with the Jew comparison, and add a battered woman to it.

I wonder, what is the pathology that forces the victims of a blood libel to falsely compliment their abusers?
It sounds like a form of battered wife syndrome, where one wants to make the abuser like them, forgive them (because the abuse is the victims fault), and to force a truce of some sort so it won't happen again.
freekitty wants to know why you would ever praise Obama. Cause he's a liar. Unlike other politicians:

One big problem. Obama lies and Beck knows it. Praising liars doesn’t quite
cut it.
antceecee thinks people who don't hate this speech are probably liberals.

Truth be told, many who love to preface their admiration of this charlatan with comments such as "I oppose Obama unreservedly...BUT..." are in-the-closet Obama voters and supporters. Enamored by his slick oratory and "feel-good" rallying many who love to tell us how much they hate his socialism, union thug cronies and other philosophies, just can't bring themselves to completely condemn this pretender.

Other posters think the few who say it was a good speech should get purged from Free Republic.

I see my hands has a maxim:

There is no greater evil than leftism. If you don't have anything bad to say
about leftists then don't say anything at all.

RipSawyer knows Obama has no soul:

Sometimes he hits his lines but there is no soul in there

Same as with Bill Clinton but Slick Willy was a better faker. No true liberal shows any soul because they have sold their souls to the cause.

Sould their souls to the cause, eh?

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