Monday, January 3, 2011

"The other side is lying because the truth doesn't matter to us."

Westbrook has a quote so telling that I had to make it's own post. It's about the Birth Certificate:

Guaranteed forgery in the making.


Our critics will say, “Nothing will satisfy them.”

They are correct.

We want the communist usurper *OUT*!

I mean, we all know the birther thing is insane crap. But to actually say you will never be satisfied by the truth is quite something. To preface that by saying the other side must be lying is a kind of doublethink beyond anything Orwell came up with.

"The other side is lying because the truth doesn't matter to us."



  1. Well, that's the nature of conspiracy theorists. From birthers and truthers to moon-landing and climate change deniers they all have to believe there's something sinister going on that only they are wise to. It's their desperate attempt to feel superior to everyone else.

  2. That goes without saying. It's that they baldly acknowledge their illogic that I find special.

    And then they don't even realize how that obviates any statements they make, including one DIRECTLY PRECEDING their admission.

    I get conspiracy theories, the paranoia and doublethink, I get the personal hatred and racism. But this, this is beyond me. My brain cannot conceive that someone can turn on a dime like that.

  3. It is mind-boggling. It's almost as if he's becoming aware of his lunacy while at the same time holding onto his feelings of superiority. And what's even more mind-boggling is that nobody who responds to him recognizes this, instead vehemently agreeing with him.

    Oh, and by the way, I can't remember if you posted this or I saw it directly on FR, but back in early 2010 someone said words to the effect that if Obama was still president in 2011 that the birther movement will have failed. Maybe this is a result of them feeling on some level they have failed.
