Friday, September 2, 2011

George W. Bush's RINOness.

Freepers were super loyal to Bush when he was in office. But nowadays they have bigger fish to fry, and Bush is kicked to the curb.

I voted for W four times but he was no conservative...he was just better than the morons he ran against. John McCain,and Lurch. The real problem was W was cast from his fathers mold and he was Rhino thru and thru. 41 was the worst mistake my favorite president “Ronald Reagan” made.

W did tremendous damage to the GOP. If you doubt it just compare how you feel about the party today compared to 10 years ago. A decade ago I would have argued with anyone who said that the democrats wanted to rush headlong into socialism while the GOP just wanted to stroll there. No longer.


The only two good things in the eight years of Bush were Alito and Roberts. That’s all!

His judgments were wrong about Iraq. No Child Left Behind was a failure. This is the trappings of “Compassionate conservatism”.

Give me a Rick Perry any day who isn’t afraid to be a conservative and is consistant in his determination to live within our means.

Another stupid Bushism is this mercury light bulb we are forced to buy soon. That bill was absolutely foolish.

We don’t need conservative talkers who govern as libs. We need another Ronald Reagan who actually believes in limited government.

Savage Beast
George Bush is one of the worst Presidents in U.S. history--and that's saying plenty--just a notch above Bill Clinton, Warren Harding, Lyndon Johnson, and Rock-bottom Worst President Ever Jimmy "Peanut" Carter.
AppyPappy though, knows that Bush was awesome!

Broke the US by kicking AQ, Iraq and Afghanistan’s butt?

Or maybe it’s the JOOOOOS fault.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ozy,
    I found this thread about how a Fox News poll found that only 28% of teabaggers want Sarah Palin to run for president. Naturally, much denial and hilarity ensues:
