Friday, September 30, 2011

leader Anwar al-Awlaki has been killed in Yemen

Preliminary Freeper reactions to another Al Queda guy getting killed while evil Muslim Obama is in office. Well, reactions other than (I hope his 72 virgins are all Pigs! LOL WOOHOOO!)

healy61 wants more blood - go after Al-Awlaki's innocent father, too!

His father was a Fulbright scholar. He conducted a prayer service for muslims in the US Capitol in 2002. He was convicted twice for soliciting prostitutes. He got a $20000. scholarship under a false SS number. Killing him is only the beginning of the solution to our homeland problems. His family should be so honorably killed.
Straight Vermonter knows the terrorists judge Obama for this:

It better not come out that he was killed by the US or Obama is in a world
of trouble

BillM notes this guy was born in America, and Obama targeted him for killing. This is an issue. But Freepers will just use this as proof Obama's a dictator:

Doesn't anyone in America have a small problem with the fact that many US soldiersand Marines were prosecuted and/or court marshaled for shooting Iraqis in the middle of a war? Apparently if the POTUS kills people it is ok?

I love the fact that this was done. I hate the fact that America prosecutes the soldiers and lauds the dictator (Obama).

treetopsandroofs thinks killing Al Queda's leaders is appeasing them:

The going cost of the last “gutsy decision” was 25 SEALs.
Hussein won’t hesitate to pay it again to appease his terrorist buddies.

Wait, I get it, he thinks the Navy SEALS that were killed in the helicopter crash was to pay off al Queda! Welcome to crazytown!

lwoodham has his tin-foil ready:

I am not sure i believe this. I mean here we have an islamic favoring
president desperately needing a boost in the polls and we have an islamic
terrorist needing to disappear and take the heat off himself. No pictures and no
proof to the public for confirmation. Sound familiar?

Obama: when he kills terrorists, it's just more proof he's working with them and faking their deaths!

1 comment:

  1. Ozy,

    Another rich thread, the latent white nationalist feelings of the freepers are out again. They should just say on the official FR page, "Whites are superior, and thats what we believe"
