Thursday, September 29, 2011

Janeane Garofalo: Racist Republicans Support Herman Cain

Some recent conservative comenters on this very blog have been hitting the 'Herman Cain!' argument against Tea Party racism.

I think the Tea Party is too multifarious to be racist as a whole, but the idea that having a black friend means you can't be racist is so debunked as to be cliche. Yet that seems to be Herman Cain's main benefit for Freepers.

Witness their reaction to Janeane Garofalo saying liking Cain does not make you Mr. Diversity:

pgkdan basically makes the "some of my best friends" argument.

Oh shoot. My cover is blown! She's figured me out. I have black friends and support Herman Cain because I'm a racist!
RoosterRedux is telepathic:

Simple projection by Garofalo. She believes everyone is racist because, consciously or unconsciously, she knows she is herself a racist.
MrB notes that racists actually support Obama :

Racists whites supporting a black American to be President. Sure; we follow that logic!!!

That’s exactly what happened in 2008.

brownsfan builds a nice and flmsy strawman.

Wow, talk about spinning hard. So, her “logic” is:
Since the Republicans aren’t showing racism towards Herman Cain, THAT, in and of itself, proves just how racist Republicans are.
I’m literally shaking my head thinking about the twisted, thrashing mind that comes up with such a thing.

GrandJediMasterYoda forgot the Southern Strategy, and the last 30 years, really.

80% of Repubs voted in favor of the Civil rights act of 1964 as compared to 60% of Democrats. Also it was Ronald Reagan who made Martin Luther King Jrs birthday a National holiday. Tell me again Janeane Barf-olo how racist Repubs are.
papertyger gets a LOT of affirmation for restating that The Powers that Be love all thigns Evil, and hate the Tea Party.

One has to wonder why the Tea Party has TPTB pissing their pants, while they cheerfully ignore every radical, panther, muslim, and pervert.

Conservative white males - underdog or bust!

BuckeyeTexan logged on to say:

Evil b*tch.


  1. I understood it when the Republican National Committee put Michael Steele in charge. It was a cynical move but it was understandable. The Republican Party had become in 2008 the White People's Party. Hence the first black RNC chairman. He became the public face of the GOP.

    Lately Free Republic has been slowly facing up to the truth that Ms. Palin is not going to run for President and the flavor of the week is Herman Cain. I am going to give them a break. I don't think that they are trying once again to put a black face on the Republican Party.

    They will desert Cain in a heartbeat if something better comes along but for the moment let's give them a little half-hearted praise. Freepers don't hate black people as much as they used to. Yay!

    The people they really hate are Mexicans. Doubt me? Read Free Republic.

  2. eh, they're not as racist as they seem - they were
    sorta benignly bigoted till Obama came into office.
    It seems to me they'll just seize on any reason to hate the opposition just a skotche more.

    If Obama were a woman, shit'd get out of control.

  3. A lot of it is probably "kicked puppy syndrome," also known as "kick the dog syndrome." It's where you're inclined to say that someone you hate does something repugnant (e.g., kicking puppies) even if that person would never do anything like that.

    Freepers repeat these statements until they believe them as facts and then they can imagine Obama doing all sorts of evil things and ascribe evil motives to every one of his actions, even those they agree with. Then their bigotry kicks in and you get statements that are incredibly racist.

    It really seems like a sickness. They seem determined to rewrite reality, just like Barry and BLB did here the last few weeks. And they don't seem to realize that it could cost them the 2012 election and possibly more elections after that.

  4. Freepers can support Herman Cain all they want, but they remain the same lovable racist kooks they've always been as long as it's in the same breath that hurls the slur "Holder's People", warns of "Darker" areas* in the much discussed second Civil War that they all so totally don't want to see happen, and just yesterday scoffed "Continuing to pretend that blacks contribute to science is just more fodder for the fools, white guilt ridden fool." Certainly they're not the only racist people around and they, like all of us, are products of a racist culture, but to pretend that they don't agressively disseminate racist concepts requires disavowing all the evidence you're so keen at gathering.

    *"Before we move on to the cube, let’s begin with the CW2 Square. The cube is best tackled in another step. Draw the square and label one axis Poorer to Richer. Label the other axis Darker to Lighter. Darker, for brevity, includes African-Americans, Hispanics and so on. Lighter refers to those of European ancestry. The two opposed meta-groups are the poorer and darker versus the richer and lighter, or whiter if you wish to be blunt. The richer/whiter have the power of their wealth, but counterbalancing that advantage is the fact that the poorer/darker have succeeded in wresting control of much of government power. This is so, even if most of their elected leaders are anything but poor or dark. "
