Friday, May 11, 2012


Obama has released an ad about how his programs helps a hypothetical woman, Julia throughout her life. Freepers have their own versions of that ad:

GlockThe Vote
Obama 2012 2 Crack Pipes on every stove 2 Condoms on every $%^^& 2 Corzines in every bank 2 Cars on blocks in every yard 2 Crack dens on every block Hope and Change!
he said crack twice. He must really like crack.

Yaelle knows taking advantage of any government programs means you're lazy, slutty and lack ambition:
I am woman, I am stupid, I want you to pay for me! I want to borrow borrow borrow to get in debt up to my neck! I want to have sex with lots of men, maybe get knocked up and have a kid! I want to put him right in daycare, be alone, eat on your dime. My greatest dream is a lousy job. I’m too dumb to want more. I don’t wanna pay for anything. And I wanna vote for whoever has these low opinions of me!
Blackirish is a bit low on the whole birth control slut thing.
Wow...I’m a single guy who’s been stupid enough to buy drinks and dinner for a woman. Hell all I needed was a $9.00 script of birth control pills to get her attentions? Who knew? Obama the dog!!!
Clint N. Suhks is still humping that death panels thing.
“Julia” turns 72 and gets cancer. The death panels prescribe her pain pills and tell her to go watch TV.”
libertarian27 knows the future if Obama's reelected:
"Sure...I voted for King Obama one thought he'd put through an executive order to ban elections. No one fought him, it just happened. It's not so bad, we get pudding allotments and free healthcare for the name?...My name is Julia"
Oldexpat likes his satire xenophobic:
Maria crosses the river on a dark night and immediately heads to a clinic where she receives a free medical where they confirm she is pregnant. For seven months she receives medical care and WICK and food stamps to survive while she works as a maid for cash. She delivers a little boy, Jose, who qualifies for WICK, Food stamps, welfare and housing..and a cell phone. Jose goes to paid day care, Head start and gets free breakfast and 13 Jose is in Juve hall for six months after heisting a car. He gets out and has a parole officer. At 18 he is in a gang and pops a rival and heads up the river..meanwhile Maria has popped out three more and Jose’s girlfriend is pregnant. This is a compression of some immigrants who have touched our lives..and there is more.


  1. I wish some of these people would get injured enough to be unable to work, just so I could see them writhe in their hypocrisy.

    1. They'd never actually admit their hypocrisy. They always dress it up as "getting back the money the government stole" so it somehow doesn't count.
