Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Freepers respond to a study finding 'Those who think more analytically are less inclined to be religious believers than are those who tend to follow a gut instinct.' I'm all for faith, but Freepers' attempts to justify their faith gets pretty hairy:

 mrsmel is actually kind of reasonable.
When people get hung up on thinking they have to “prove” their faith either to others or themselves, they are forgetting this important thing. It wouldn’t be called “faith” if it was supposed to be proveable on a scientific standard at all times.
dragonblustar is somewhat less reasonable. More dickish, really:
  Thinking Can Undermine Religious Faith, Study Finds
Only if you're muslim, mormon or a tree hugging liberal.
onedoug knows the true science!
Thinking only increases my faith. The more one knows of true science, and the monumental struggle with microbes and their collective intelect, the more one realizes that biology, and existence is so much deeper than the self.
To God the Glory....
 P-Marlowe appeals to some sample-biased authority:
 Thinking will clearly undermine the faith of a Muslim.
Anyone who has read Issac Newton, Tomas Aquinas, Augustine or John Calvin will have to admit that these guys were probably among the deepest thinkers in world history. Their faith was bolstered by thinking.
Christianity is a thinking man’s religion.
AndyTheBear, in attacking Materialism, accidentally makes all faiths collateral damage:
 Materialism is true because it is true. Evidence that seems to contradict it, is either misreported, misunderstood, or somehow does not contradict it. Philosophical proofs that it is not true, are not to be thought about too much, and the great thinkers on such subjects are not to be read or listened too. We must continue to assume, assume, assume, and assume that materialism is true...because this shows how smart we are.
GeronL just re-defines religion down:

Everyone has a religion, even if it doesn’t LOOK like what we would normally call a religion. Whether its global warming, worship of big government or vain worship of their own bodies, there is always a ‘religion’ of some kind.
 Salamander knows the counter to science is smugness:

Imagine how many brilliant geniuses will eventually “think” themselves right into eternal damnation.


  1. Free republic is the thinking man's forum.

  2. Having read hundreds, literally hundreds of comments on Free Republic regarding the apparent lack of President Obama's ex-girlfriends, there is a new book in which some of these ladies speak.

    Here is a little link to an article about it on Buzzfeed. It's mostly pictures and it's short and that's just about all the time I want to spend thinking about this subject. Freepers have been fascinated with it for years. It's boring.

    There have been some Freeper threads on the new book. I am not particularly interested in what they have to say. When, for example, some goober sent an electric plaque to Rush Limbaugh, the Freepers fell all over themselves rushing to judgement, it was an all out panic and in the end it was nothing. This happens time and again. Freepers go wild, make crazy accusations and when proven wrong, simply go on the next manufactured outrage. It would be easy to list more examples of such behavior at FR.

    OK, Freepers, go back to talking about how Breitbart was murdered and how Obama is gay. Give us the latest from World Nut Daily. That's always good for a laugh. Do anything but recognize that you are members of a strange little group. Strange indeed.

    1. Ever notice how many unholy, crazy, murderous alliance begins with a
      "us against the world" fabrication ?
      Jim Jones, C.Manson, Jim Rob, Hale Bop...

  3. Freepers fail to realize, among countless other things, that the knowledge of the Greeks and Romans was preserved by the Arab world while Europe was muddling through the theocratic Dark Ages.

    But then Freepers don't have much time for actual knowledge or science. Such things are way too far above their pointy little heads.
