Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Liberals hate Bald Eagles

As the Anonymous Commenter who found this piece said, "A conservative blogger misrepresents and quote mines a Fish and Wildlife proposal, the Freepers pick it up and just start inventing more shit and also vent their hatred of the environmental movement."

Needless to say, the regulation in question allows anyone to escape a fine if they kill a Bald Eagle accidentally due to industrial activities:

Cicero is not the best of orators...
The expansion of politically correct crony capialism continues. “Hypocrisy” is definitely the first word that comes to mind. Instead of the Hippocratic Oath, like doctors, they all take the Hypocritic Oath.
JPG explains how abortion means liberals are all sociopaths:
Since the leftist do-gooders have no problem with slaughtering humans before they are born, they also have no problem whacking a few thousand eagles if it helps in the fight against carbon 'pollution'. For the true believers the ends always justify the means.
5thGenTexan saw a metaphor!
The only bird the environmentalists don't care about is the one that has come to represent FREEDOM. How fitting.
Tenacious 1 combats ecology with epistemology:
What the hell is native wildlife. It just so happens that when "wildlife" moves in, they become "natives." The animals don't read maps that well and don't realize the government is keeping track of what they hunt and kill. It is rediculous and getting worse.
353FMG actually blames windmills for droughts in Texas:
The “greenies” goal is not the salvation of endangered species but, simply stated, money. Better a bald eagle on the ground than the loss of one windmill. But what is even more omninous is that these very windmills could be the cause of real climate change — something that wind turbines were supposed to have prevented. Ground temperatures are to decrease during the night because the cooler air descends while hot air ascends. By installing the windturbines, causing subsequent air turbulence at ground level, the cold air does not get a chance to settle on the ground and ground temperatures remain higher than normal.
To make a long story short — Texas is not getting the moisture that it once received before these ugly structures were installed.


  1. 353FMG, if you think those ranchers out by Odessa, TX are greenies, you are crazy. They are making money on those windmills. Do you think those guys are liberals? Have you ever been to West Texas?

    And, really, "ominous"?

    I will agree that they are ugly.

  2. Ozy, I tried. I typed out two little post about threads on FR and just hit delete. This crap is so crazy that it just gives me a headache.

    1. You can do it young padawan. If the freepers start to sound like your drunk uncle at Thanksgiving dinner, you've hit FR gold!

  3. ya eagles represent freedom so libs hate em but the viromentalists and eagle huggers that saved en are libs.... usual freep "logic" .

    1. You down with DDT? Yeah you know me!
