Friday, June 15, 2012

Pentagon plans to hold Gay Pride month event

euphgeek found this as I was writing it, so I suppose he'll have to get at least partial credit.

No word on what the event will be, but Freepers absolutely lose their shit, in quite an amusingly dramatic fashion:

They seriously hate the military now. Seems like the military won't have so many crazy right wingers anymore, either.

ColdOne knows all that was standing between America and oblivion was lack of open gayness in their military
That is it, stick a fork in us we are done!
SeminoleCounty really wants the military to follow his law, not the actual law: 
There needs to be some high-ranking generals and admirals court-martialed over this
Coldwater Creek is running around flapping his hands: 
animal172 is one of many Freepers who served who is done with the military:
Three years in the Army and four in the Air Force. Proud of every minute of service. Would I do it again? Not only no, but heck no. I would like to see military recruitment drop to near zero. Let the homosexuals have it. See how well that works.
rlmorel also, though in more of a long, dramatic story: 
His father turned to me and said “My son had been planning to join the Marines. He had been considering making a career of the military. He has decided, because of these policies towards homosexuality, that he is not going to enter the military.” His father continued “These people, running things, implementing these rules and policies, would have my son at their mercy. Just think of what people like that would do to a young man like him. No, I did not influence his decision in any way. But if he had asked my counsel, I would have advised him of exactly the same course.”
There are dozens of Freepers like this.  I wonder if they'll stick to it, or go back to hoo-rah the moment a new Republican war comes along.

max americana blames Obama's gayness: 
This is what we get from having a fudgepacker for a p-resident.
savagesusie never disappoints:
If sodomy is “good”, then evil is good-—this eliminates logic and reason and science from our military and institutes irrational Marxist ideology which states that there is no teleological end to sex-—there are no Laws of Nature and Nature’s God——there is no God-—is unAmerican AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
We no longer have a military Under God-—it is under Satan/Marx/Barney Frank. We no longer have Justice—which is always a Virtue.

yefragetuwrabrumuy is looking forwards to the great gay ban of the indeterminate future:
Importantly, some individual will take notes, and when in the future homosexuality is again banned in the military, those individuals involved in this fiasco will be discharged.
kevcol thinks homosexuals are handicapped.  Also, Civil War, maybe?
Pentagon to celebrate a mental illness which causes an perverted, unnatural urge in 2% of men to insert their sex organ into another man's anal cavity and vice versa.

Pentagon to worship a degenerate society of people who once angered God so much that he destroyed a population.

Pentagon to fete a movement who has taken a Judeo-Christian symbol of a certain promise from God (rainbow) and used it as a symbol of "pride" in their perverted sickness.

Pentagon to assist and enable a group of citizens who wish to destroy the moral and Christian fabric of our country...which allowed us to recover from 9/11 (remember 9/11 Mr. SecDef?), a mere 10 years after 9/11.

Pentagon to indulge a class of citizens who wish to undermine and insult the Constitution of the United States, and carve out special citizen status for themselves based not on race or gender, but on a mental illness and its accompanying behavior. There are already special considerations (and even a sign) for these people:

When the pushback comes (and it WILL come) it won't be pretty.


  1. What the yell is a "yefragetuwrabrumuy"? Trying to parse that and see what the guys username is supposed to mean. Maybe I'm just tired from work. Any ideas?

    1. It sounds Irish to me, but using Google translate produces nothing.

  2. Guess we know who the true patriots are. I'd love to see the idiots deserting the military over this get hanged for their crimes.

  3. Remember how the freepers used to love Marco Rubio? Oh, how the worm has turned:

  4. I like Kevcol's whole "GAYZ CAUZED NINE-LEVEN!" and "ONLY CRISTANZ LET US LIV THROO NINE-LEVEN!" derp; it's and extraordinary delusion.

  5. I've never understood the fetish southerners have for the confederacy anyway. The confederacy is famous for exactly 2 things:

    -Defending slavery
    -Losing a war

    Seriously, at 0 for 1, the confederates have the absolute worst military history of any military.

  6. Don't forget the whole states' rights thing, which is really just code for bass-ackwards conservative legislation. Unless a state chooses to do something liberal, in which case they scream for federal laws (e.g. DOMA).
