Thursday, September 27, 2012

Still Lybia Truthin'!

Freepers are were super sure that the Libya ambassador killing was gonna derail Obama. Now that it hasn't, they are taking refuge in their own conspiratorial world of denial:

MasterGunner01 lays out all the things he knows for sure:
The U.S. knew an attack was in the works between 48 to 72 hours before the attacks and did NOTHING. The U.S. ambassador to Egypt, Anne Patterson, denied the embassy Marine guards live ammo for their weapons, Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens was set up to die (and was subsequently murdered).
WaterWeWaitinFor has this whole CIA angle. Also Obama's a Muslim:
Now from what I’ve read is that the two x Navy seals were CIA and perhaps even Stevens was working with/as CIA also. There is something mighty wrong with this whole story and the administration is having problems as the lid will be blown off this entire mess. I still maintain that Huma and Hillary and Obama are directly dealing with the Muslim Brotherhood to bring down this country a peg or six. Dear Stevens was a bump in the road and they were scrambling. What a disgusting man Obama is, IMHO.
Elendur knows what the FBI knows but won't tell us!
just as the FBI knows the producer of the video,
is NOT a Coptic Christian,
but has ties to known Muslim terroists,
and faithfully read his Quran while in prison.
Blue Highway has a doozy about Obama's fear of the Dinesh d'Souza movie:
I’m still surprised they (being the muslims in concert with Obama) haven’t tried more terrorist acts because of the Obama’s America 2016 movie. I figured it was doing so much damage to Barry’s campaign and shedding the light on his evil ways, he’d somehow use that same strategy to have Muslims up in arms to start killing, and then Obama can then ban the film and then jail Dinesh D’Souza, and then declare martial law as Americans rise up with this show of disregard for our constitution.
kidd thinks this is part of Obama's war on the Internet:
This gives even more credibility to the idea that Obama was hoping to use this attack to support a pending Executive Order to give him the right to switch off the internet in times of a crisis.

Too bad for Obama that there is no link between the assassination and the internet video.

I think he’s been trying to instigate violence in other Muslim countries. But none of it has risen to a crisis level.
mo just assumes blackmail:
what do they have on Susan Rice?

Same thing “they” have on every other federal and state representative..

..foreign bank account numbers and deposit lists. with another girl/boy they’re not supposed to be “with”...
UCANSEE2 fucking rocks! It's the CIA, on orders from the Mayans!!!!
Obama? The killing of our Ambassador had nothing to do with Obama.

It’s all about hiding the trail of sophisticated weaponry being supplied to the enemy by our own CIA, and then the CIA wanting to ‘recover’ it before it can be proven , or before they are used against us (the CIA) in the ongoing war of total global domination. This is why the Border with Mexico is being replaced with a joint CIA-FBI-Sinaloa Drug Cartel ‘black market’ zone. It is one of the most popular and safest routes the CIA uses.

The only association that the Middle East protest movement has with the killing of Stevens is that the planners of the killing expected the ‘protest movement’ and it made for an excellent distraction.

We quickly jump to the conclusion that Al Queda(or insert any popular meme here) terrorists were the planners. This may be a mistake.

Unless Obama does all his ‘planning’ and ‘meeting’ with Muslim terrorists while out on the golf course, or during campaigns, he isn’t the ‘planner’.

I have a feeling that come Dec. 21, 2012 , the ‘planner’ will reveal herself.


  1. Sounds like Chris Stevens is going to be the new Vince Foster.

    1. Yep, I had the same thought. This sounds like the same old tin foil hat nonsense we have heard before.

      Freepers and their ilk are killing the Grand Old Party. Conspiracy theories do not bring in new converts and the Republican base is dying off.
