Thursday, September 13, 2012

US Justice Department to monitor AZ elections

Freepers are their usual subtle selves in response to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 being enforced in Arizona

Bernard Marx is quick with the BLACK PANTHERS comparison:
Will all the Monitors be wearing black berets and carrying billy clubs?
cotton1706 explains that this is voter fraud in progress:
Arizona, never a confederate state, never a slave state, didn’t become a state until 1912, never involved in any racial issues, is being monitored by the Justice Dept using the Voting Rights Act.

Why?? To make sure that illegal immigrants are allowed to vote.
OldNavyVet has one analogy, but tries to make it three:
Big Brother ... George Orwell ... Orwellian government ...

Analogies that fit well in describing OBamatactics.
Arm_Bears wishes there were more grandstanding:
Love to see Sheriff Joe lock all of them up as vagrants.
VRWCarea51 knows what Federal Election inspectors do!
Actually their presense could be construed at an attempt to intimidate voters and Arpaio should arrest them.

Feds. strip searched, photoed and fingerprinted, all dressed in pink, lost in the system spending a couple of weeks in a tent. Priceless...
Gaffer is really particular about who is American:
Any self-respecting business owner, hotel, food, etc. would refuse service to these people. They are not Americans, and they are only there to enforce Obama/Holder’s attempts to destroy this country.
backwoods-engineer has a plan:
AZ ought to threaten to secede over this. You KNOW the DOJ is there to ensure Mexican nationals vote, Mexicans who are illegally in this country.


  1. They assume the government is as racist as they are.

  2. Feds. strip searched, photoed and fingerprinted, all dressed in pink, lost in the system spending a couple of weeks in a tent. Priceless...

    For people who make such a big show of distrusting Gummint power, FReepers sure do seem to like the idea of it being wielded frivolously against anyone who runs afoul of their ill-informed suspicions.

    It's almost like they're a gaggle of small-minded authoritarians who have no real concept of the rule of law.

    1. They can only see the law as a bludgeon they can use to humiliate and disenfranchise those they disagree with. They don't really care about enforcing it regularly.
