Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Freepers still crazy about Sandra Fluke

Anonymous found this one.

The Sandra Flulke thing involved Freepers acting especially loathsome, and in public. And it kept on going, like they had somehow lost control.

Well, it wasn't a momentary bout of rampant sexism - they're still at it. Fluke turned up in Denver to introduce Obama at a ralley, and the same shit came spewing onto the screen.

Jewbacca refreshes Freepers' memories about this:
Is this the girl who was spending so much on condoms and lube that she was going bankrupt?
Ann Archy brings the outrage, as always.
If Obama had any CLASS, he would be Embarrassed to be seen with that SLUT!! P>Obama is LOWER CLASS than CLINTON!!!! OMG!! Didn;t think that could happen.
mfish13 knows who's a horny man!
Woo Hoo!!! You bet Bill Clinton will be there for seconds!!
Tax-chick knows Obama's real motives:
Promiscuity is extremely important to Zero, because without it, there would be fewer abortions.
So Obama loves abortions, so he's encouraging birth control?

pops88 knows Obama's going to have to use an evil conspiracy to get reelected:
Guess we’re going to have to have a false flag event to keep Ogay in office between the slut and backing gay marriage.
I’m pretty sure there’s a huge faction of the dem party that are my age and older, who remember when shacking up was socially unacceptable, and a woman that slept with multiple men was a slut. I’m sure a lot of them still feel that way.
Brilliant strategy though if they want to help the RHINOS.
erm, that faction would be pre-1960s, or like 80 years old, and I hear those oldsters are actually pretty frisky these days.

madprof98 knows Fluke's boyfriend is fake, since she's so slutty.
it's all too clear that this click has no husband. She shacks up with some metrosexual, and when that dies down, no doubt she will be available for the asking.
There are also pics, but you'll have to click on the link; 'Cause I'm over this.

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