Monday, August 27, 2012

Romn ey trying to change RNC Convention rules

I guess not all Freepers are completely sold on Romney.
,br/> The Freeper reaction to Romney trying to get the right to refuse delegates (maybe to styie the Paulites?) was quite a bit more violent and contentless than I thought.

svcw still has the scars of the primaries:
Why would this be a surprise?

Romney messed with the primaries as well, to get “his” win.
donna knows what this means:
We have a dictatorship now.

Our citizenship doesn’t matter and our votes are canceled out.
muawiyah counsels a much smaller tent for the GOP:
Some doufous let the Paulbots run a campaign for Paul, and he's not a real Republican ~ he simply caucuses with them in the House.

Where Preibus and Romney need to tighten things up is the definition of who meets the brand standards.

It's pretty loose these days. Out of the 16 candidates I examined closely, only 3 had been lifelong conservative Republicans.

All the rest had recent, or questionable ties to the Republican party.
INVAR Knows Obama will somehow steal the thing:
We’ve seen our last honest and open election. Cook County has gone national and Soviet at the same time, America has no clue what time it already is, yet everyone is acting like our votes are going to matter come November.

This is an Insider’s game now. It’s all about the machine and creating illusions to placate the masses.
montag813 knows the source is suspect:
Zeke Miller and Ben Smith of BuzzFeed are agents for Obama 2012. Don’t let these f**kers divide us!
freeangel hears insight from a political sage:
I believe Sarah mentioned something about a 3rd party the other day. She has more foresight than any of the romneybots.

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