Friday, August 24, 2012

Obama: Ryan plan would cut Romney’s tax rate to 1 percent

Hehe, Freepers take on Romney's 'eliminate capital gains tax' proposal with all the nuance you might expect:

MNJohnnie just assumes Obama must be lying:
So he is now so desperate he is simply making it up as he goes along. This is NOT going to work.
tsowellfan realizes it doesn't matter, since everyone cares about the debt:
True or not. The fact is Obama is out of touch. The American people are more concerned about how Obama’s spending their money than they are about how Romney spent his.
Except for madison10 I guess, who doesn't seem to care at all about the debt:
Who cares about Romney’s tax rate?! I want to have MY tax rate cut. I don’t want to be nickle and dimed to death because of the EPA and regulations.

Really, I don’t care if Romney has to pay any taxes.
Sacajaweau has some capital gains, so I guess he'll pay no taxes too!
They make it sound like only Romney and 100 other rich people have capital gains, interest and dividends. I'm sorta "p" poor and have capital gains, interest and dividends....just a little bit...

How did the government get to tax these things in the first place??
Psalm 73 thinks Ryan should be more petty:
Heard Rush mention a cool way to use Ryan - have him show up the very next day wherever Zero goes and refute him. Obama gives a speech in Miami - Ryan stops there the next day - Obama stops in Denver - next day - Ryan’s in Denver - etc....
Sirius Lee wants Romney to be more dickish as well:
If mitt will come out and just say “Unfortunately, my opponent is a pathological liar and wouldn’t know the truth if it bit him on the ass.” I will vote for him. But he has to say it.


  1. So Romney runs an entire campaign based on the principle of lying faster than the media can fact-check him, all the while avoiding the mention of any concrete policy positions; but Obama is the one who is an out of touch lier for analyzing his opponents' own stated plans. How do these people function in society?

  2. Anyone wanna see Jim Robinson on c-span:

    An anti-Clinton rally from 1998. He's introduced at 2:45:00.

    1. Nice. I'm not sure what they thought was treason, but lying about a blow job definitely isn't treason.

  3. Kidglove,

    Nice link. Pictured more foaming at mouth, but not much more
