Monday, December 19, 2011

Kim Jong-il has died

Freepers gloat about the death of the dictator. Same as you'd see for a Dem there. But then, inevitably, they tried their best to turn this story into hating on more important people by deciding who is happy about this:

ez is not a fan of 'the establishment,' man!

The Republican establishment is deeply saddened that they will lose two days of Newt Darn their luck.

RightGeek confuses diplomacy for friendship:
Madeleine Albright and Jimmy Carter will be so sad!
FormerACLUmember knows who to focus on!

Socialism and Obama experience a great loss.

OrioleFan is concerned about the election:
How long before Obama gets up in front of the teleprompter and reads, “We got him!”
denydenydeny is also pissed this happened on that credit-hound Obama's watch:

Watch, Obama will somehow make this part of his campaign. “HE OUTLASTED KIM JONG IL.”

Seriously, that Obama, always politicizing everything!

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